Hello, I have a few questions.
-Tell me some ways how you can adjust the position of the characters which move with Root motion.
(It is important that the character after the animation of the root movement hit the desired point. Can I disable Root Motion checkbox for a while?)
-In the new version of Unity, once a new group is created in Slate, it cannot be deleted. Because the new system of prefabs asks first to destroy the prefab.
It says “This group is part of the prefab asset and can not be deleted from within the prefab instance. If you want to delete the group, please open the prefab asset for editing”
Thank you.
1. Since RootMotion is overrriding the transform position of the gameobject, animating that position on top is not really possible (or at least haven’t found a proper way for this to be achieved). One solution to what you are after, would be to utilize the “Starting Transforms” option in the Slate Animation Clip inspector and set it to “Manual Set Transforms”.
With this option enabled, you can specify exactly where you want (position/rotation) the animation to start. As such, you can for example, after your root motion animation, blend in to an Idle (or similar) and set the Idle Animation to start at a specific position/rotation. This will effectively slowly blend the “Run” (in this example) animation root motion, into the absolute specified “Starting Position and Rotation” of the Idle animation.
Is that something that will work for you?
2. I have just fixed this issue where it was not possible to delete a group or track when editing a prefab itself. Deleting a group or track from a prefab instance is still though not possible in the the new Unity prefab system.
If you want, I can send you the fixes. If so, please do send me an email using this contact form with your request.