Root motion only when baked

Slate Forums Support Root motion only when baked

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  • #2682

    Hello! I’m having an issue getting root motion to work on an Animator Track. The root motion doesn’t get applied unless I bake it. However, when I bake it, then the y-position of the Actor also gets locked, rather than reacting to physic as it should – root motion should normally only be applied to the XZ axes. Any ideas what might be going on? How can I get root motion to be applied only to XZ axes, and have physic determining movement on the Y-axis? And any idea why it’s only applied after baking?




    Hmm. Root Motion should be applied even if it is not baked, while baking is there for optimization reasons only. Do you maybe have any other action clip (or some other script) that is affecting the position of the model? Currently baking also affects Y so that the Y offset for rotation in the Slate Animatin Clip is also taken into account. I could probably make it an option to not bake Y, however baking itself is just an option and root motion should work without baking indeed. If you don’t have anything else affecting your model’s position, could you maybe create a small reproduction project and send it to so that I can see what is going on?

    Thank you.

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