Hello. I have question.
How can i set transform in middle of cutscene? (I make different camera shots and want set different positions of character in one cutscene).
(i cant teleport characters if i use root motion?)
When using RootMotion, is not really possible to also manually set the transform of the character via other clips (like teleport for example), since the root motion is taking over.
With that said though, there is a handy option in the Slate Animation Clip, with which you can set the exact position/rotation, you want the character to be set to as soon as that animation clip starts.
The default is “Auto Match Transforms”. You will need to use “Manually Set Transforms” instead and specify the starting position and rotation accordingly.
Oh, ok.
So its impossible to do something like this.(without prebake animation) https://youtu.be/c-ipxpQYE6M?t=9 (1:05, 2:48)
of here https://youtu.be/_4HJC2MxofE?t=790
Quite often characters in the cutscene appear and disappear in the right places. The only way is to do all the animation in 3D editor in advance? Its not possible to get good result without root motion.
i use kinect mocap and can make only short records, so i have to make all cutscene in blender and then use slate?
As far as I can see, the Metal Gear Solid cutscene you linked, is using Root Motion, meaning that all animation is pre-baked to include the characters position/rotation.
On the other hand, I think that the Street Fighter video, is not really using root motion, or a mix of root and no-root motion.
With that said, there are two solution I can see here:
You can split the motion capture animation you have into separate animation clips, so that you can utilize the feature I posted earlier where you are able to manually specify the exact position/rotation at which the character will begin an animation, or…
Do a little trick: You can parent the character as child in another gameobject and then you can place that “root” gameobject that the character is child of, also in the cutscene and manually set or animate that gameobjects position/rotation. As a result when moving/rotating the parent gameobject, the character will also move/rotate in acordance to that parent object, but the character will also retain it’s animation in local space of that parent gameobject.
Please let me know if either of the above help and is a valid solution to what you are after.
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