Some questions after use 1.4.5

Slate Forums Support Some questions after use 1.4.5

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  • #656

    I have some questions after use SLATE 1.4.5….

    Use Prefab Group
    This bug is OK in new version…

    Can set override for this Method handleParametersRegistrationManually() ? It cause my prefab Animate Property data lost…

    I want to AnimateProperty set localposition and localEulerAngles is offset value not final value….
    gameobject source x = 10 or any value and set key1 x=-5, key2 x=5

    AnimateProperties class:
    result is always x=10(any value) -> x=-5 and x=-4, x=-3,…go to x=5

    My Custom AnimateProperties class:
    result is x=10(any value) -5 and x=10(any value)-4, -3…go to x=10(any value) + 5

    This is I changed….
    private bool handleParametersRegistrationManually{
    get { return (animatedParametersTarget != this) /*Added By Me ====>*/|| (GetType() == typeof(ActionClips.SK_AnimateProperty)); }

    I write my class SK_AnimateProperty : AnimateProperties and Editor is

    class SK_AnimateProperty
    public Vector3 positionOffset { get; set; }
    public bool havePositionOffset = false;
    public Vector3 angleOffse { get; set; }
    public bool haveAngleOffset = false;

    protected override void OnUpdate(float time)
    if (havePositionOffset)
    actor.transform.position = Position<This is Property, do source position + offset value>;
    if (haveAngleOffset)
    actor.transform.localEulerAngles = Angle<This is Property, do source angle + offset value>;

    class SK_AnimatePropertyEditor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI(){

    if (!action.isValid){
    if (GUILayout.Button( !action.isValid? “Select Property” : “Add Property” )){
    EditorTools.ShowAnimatedPropertySelectionMenu(, AnimatedParameter.supportedTypes, (prop, target)=>{

    if (prop.Name == “localPosition”)
    prop = action.GetType().GetProperty(“positionOffset”, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
    action.animationData.TryAddParameter(prop, action, null);
    action.havePositionOffset = true;
    else if (prop.Name == “localEulerAngles”)
    prop = action.GetType().GetProperty(“angleOffse”, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
    action.animationData.TryAddParameter(prop, action, null);
    action.haveAngleOffset = true;
    action.animationData.TryAddParameter(prop, target,;

    Is possible to combine Rotate in FollowPath Clip ?
    I can set node1<pointX=5, rotY=90>, node2<pointX=10, rotY=180>
    result is pointX=5,6,7..10, rotY=90.91,92….180…

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