Hi, I have a question about controlling Cutscenes.
As attachment image, when slate is stopped by Stop() method on Event track at end of first section. It seems slate executes action clips on second section.
In my case, slate deactivates cube object and stops, but when it stops cube object is activated by action clip on second section. Can you tell how to fix this?
This is happening because by default, the “Stop Mode” in the inspector of Cutscene, is set to “Skip”, which means that when Stop() is called, the cutscene will skip to it’s end and execute anything that remains inbetween.
If you want to just halt at the current time, you would need to change the “Stop Mode” in the Cutscene inspector to “Hold”.
Let me know if that works for you as you would expect.
Thank you. That is exactly what I wanted. I did not see that inspector parameters.
By the way, Is it possible that to keep some state of object which is executed by clip in cutscene after Stop() is called? Example I want to keep a cube deactivate with “Rewind” mode, which completely stops cutscene. Because I wonder if I use several cutscenes at same time and makes all of them “Hold” leads CPU stress.
Hmm. There is no such an option right now, but this is something I could probably add easily in the next version.
The closest thing to that is the StopMode “Skip Rewind No Undo”, which will basically…
– Skip the cutscene to the end.
– Finalize the state of all objects it affected as “final”.
– Rewind the cutscene without reverting anything.
It sounds to be like what you want, but it wont really work with your current setup of having an Event that stops the cutscene in the middle, because the cutscene will still be skipped to it’s end, thus the enable action clip will also fire.
It would work though, if you were to instead of playing the whole cutscene and having an event to stop it like you do in the image, to instead play a specific portion, or section of the cutscene manually, which can easily be done by for example calling cutscene.PlaySection("MySection");
Please let me know if the above work for you.
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