Switch Active Camera and LookAt to Shot Camera

Slate Forums Support Switch Active Camera and LookAt to Shot Camera

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  • #2211

    Hi, few questions :

    (1) How can I switch, with a simple key press, the camera from SLATE-Shot-Camera to my FPS-Camera (or another one) during a cutscene ?

    (2) How do I make Look-At objects (billboards) face the SLATE-Shot-Camera? They are always facing the “Camera.main” wich is the FirstPerson one… Does SLATE permit to substitute the main camera as the Shot-Camera? Or SLATE shot-Camera become the Main, desactivating other cams? I am a bit lost with that…

    Thanks in advance !


    Olivier aka Spoutnix


    Hello again Olivier and very sorry for the late reply!

    1) When a cutscene is playing, all “rendering” is done through the “Render Camera” which can be found as a child under “Director Camera Root” gameobject. The “shot cameras” are only there as proxies. Thus, to switch to your game camera, you will need to disable the Render Camera, and enable your Game Camera (which is commonly automatically disabled when a cutscene starts). To do this, you can write a script which calls the static method “DirectorGUI.Disable()”. This will disable the Render Camera and re-enable your Game Camera.

    2) Based also on the above (1) info, you will only need to make the billboards face the “Render Camera”. Normally, the “Render Camera” is automatically set as “Main” camera when a cutscene starts (thus substitute your game camera for while the cutscene is running). This is only happening if the option called “Set Main When Active” is enable in the Director Camera inspector (found on Director Camera Root gameobject). Is the option enabled in your case?

    Please let me know if the above help, or if of course you need any more information.


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