Transform Values Are Locked From Editing

Slate Forums Support Transform Values Are Locked From Editing

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    I’ve recently started using SLATE as a replacement for the Unity Timeline Editor, and I’ve run into a strange issue that may just be a result of settings I’ve missed. I’m working in 2D with a GameObject that has a SpriteRenderer and Animator attached. My goal is to create cutscenes in which the character moves from point A to point B while showing different animations based on what they’re doing (like running or jumping).

    I am working with an Animate Properties Action track for the position changes and an Animation Track for the animations. I chose to use the Animate Properties clip so I have the freedom to use the graph editor. However, my workflow has been pretty difficult because I cannot keyframe anything easily. The GameObject’s starting position in the scene is at (3, -0.5, 0), and any time I try to change that in the SLATE Editor or the Unity Property Inspector to create a new keyframe, it is automatically reset to that starting position. In order to create new keyframes, my only option has been to right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create New Key. From there, I have to right-click on the point on the graph, select Edit Key, and manually type in the new value.

    When starting out, I had Auto-Key enabled, but that hasn’t helped at all; in fact, scrubbing through the timeline with it enabled after I keyframed everything will not show me a preview but instead fills the timeline with a bunch of new keys for the position (3, -0.5, 0). The animation’s preview controls work fine, but dragging the current time marker to scrub through the timeline causes the GameObject to show for a split second at its new position before teleporting back to that starting position. I understand that the SLATE asset’s Preview Mode changes to a GameObject are not persistent, but I would expect them to at least stay while in Preview Mode.

    Could I be missing a config setting somewhere, or is this perhaps a bug with my installation? Please let me know if I must provide additional info to troubleshoot this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    While doing some more digging, I played around with the settings for the Actor Group representing the GameObject, but neither change has had any luck. I changed the Reference Mode to “Use Instance Hide Original”, which hid the original version of the GameObject but continued to snap the copy to the starting location. Changing the Initial Coordinates does change where the GameObject keeps snapping to (so instead of always going to (3, -0.5, 0), it may go to the origin instead), but this does not fix the problem. At least it does tell us that the GameObject is constantly being reset to its Initial Coordinates, whether that be its original, Unity position of the overriden location declared by SLATE. Hopefully that at least helps a bit with determining what the issue is.



    Thanks for the details provided. Based on your information, I believe that the problem is due to the “RootMotion” being enabled in the “Animator Track”. Can you please try disabling the “Use Root Motion” option in the “Animator Track” inspector and let me know if that solves the problem.
    With the “Use Root Motion” option enabled, the gameobject transform coordinates, are constantely being overriden, even if the animation does not have Root Motion baked-in (which is always the case for sprites).

    Please let me know.
    Thank you.

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    Thanks for the details provided. Based on your information, I believe that the problem is due to the “RootMotion” being enabled in the “Animator Track”. Can you please try disabling the “Use Root Motion” option in the “Animator Track” inspector and let me know if that solves the problem.
    With the “Use Root Motion” option enabled, the gameobject transform coordinates, are constantely being overriden, even if the animation does not have Root Motion baked-in (which is always the case for sprites).

    Please let me know.
    Thank you.

    I just disabled “Use Root Motion” on the Animator Track, and that does appear to have fixed it. Thank you for the quick solution and for the explanation! It makes a lot more sense now.

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