Unity Crash When "Animator Track" OnExit And OnReverse

Slate Forums Support Unity Crash When "Animator Track" OnExit And OnReverse

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    My unity version is 5.4.4p1,Cutscene version is 1.4.0。

    1. I use Animator track when OnExit And OnReverse call mixerPlayable.Destroy(),unity will crash.
    So I try to update cutscene version to 1.6.5, it was crash again, in unity 5.4.4p1.
    I try to update unity version to 5.5.0p4 too. it is not crash.

    2. My animator component on the actor does not have a controller assigned.
    Now I use MecanimTrack CrossFade to replace play animation in the cutscene.
    But it is a bit inconvenient.

    3. I delete mixerPlayable.Destroy().
    I can use animator track,but unity’s console will show
    Assets/ParadoxNotion/SLATE Cinematic Sequencer/Directables/Tracks/Actor/AnimatorTrack.cs(55) : Playable was not Disposed.
    Like memory leak.

    I do not find any question in forums,like this case. So do you have good idea to fix this problem?
    Thank you!


    This was a Unity bug, that they fixed in Unity 5.5, so I highly recommend you update to Unity 5.5 if possible for you.
    The only real alternative if you want to stick to 5.4, is to indeed comment out mixerPlayable.Destroy() but that -as you’ve seen- will not dispose the playable and (probably) create leaks.
    So once again, the best solution would be to please update to Unity 5.5 and latest Slate version 1.6.5


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    I will use another ways to edit cutscene.

    Thank You! 🙂

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