User Experience Bug: Slate Timeline Visual Discrepancy (Screenshots Attached)

Slate Forums Support User Experience Bug: Slate Timeline Visual Discrepancy (Screenshots Attached)

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  • #2263

    Slate’s timeline does not visually display frame accuracy while zooming in and out.

    This has been at the heart of so many of my frustrations throughout my first few days of owning a copy of Slate sequencer.

    Let’s look at the problem in action:

    In Screenshot #1, a character gameObject is equipped with an FBIK Limb clip AND an animation clip yet he falls through the floor as if he has no animation applied at all. As you can see in the screenshot, the Playhead is positioned directly over both the FBIK clip and the animation clip….I STRUGGLED WITH THIS FOR DAYS!!!

    But then I discovered, by accident I might mention…

    that when I zoom in on the timeline, the Playhead was never over the clips at all. Slate Editor’s timeline display is NOT FRAME ACCURATE.

    In Screenshot #2,
    You can see that the Playhead is in a completely different position than it appears to be in Screenshot #1. I haven’t moved the playhead. I’ve only zoomed out to show more or less of the timeline.

    The playhead in both screenshots is in the exact same position. The only difference between the screenshots is the zoom factor of the Slate timeline.


    So much wasted time.

    And I’m discovering many more of these ‘gotchas’ throughout my use of Slate.

    For example, enabling auto key doesn’t always create key frames. And Auto 1st key is a completely separate setting that requires enabling.

    Can anyone either validate my experience confirming this is a Slate issue or help me fix my personal setup.

    I’m on MacOS Big Sur.
    Unity 2020.2.6f1
    Slate 2.0.2
    Final IK 1.9


    Hello there.

    This is really weird behaviour and honestly I’ve never experienced that nor can I replicate this, or ever reported such an issue. Could you please record a small gif showing this behaviour when zooming in/out? Here is a gif I recorded doing this and as you can see the playhead is staying where it should, so too does the clip.

    Are you certain that the clips did not move? I see that you have set a 0.1 snap value. That means that if you by accident even slightly moved a clip, it will snap to the nearest 0.1 interval time value (which you may have done by accident?).

    In regards to auto-key, can you please tell me of a replication instance where a key is not created?
    Auto First key is indeed a different option, because it is a different thing that auto-key. Auto First Key, will create a key for all parameters at the clip start (time 0 of clip) even if the parameter is not animatable and has not change, while auto-key will create a key automatically only when the parameter is animatable (already has at least one key) and there is a change in value (eg you moved a slider in the inspector).

    Please let me know.
    Thank you!

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