Version 1.2

Slate Forums Announcements Version 1.2

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  • #226

    Version 1.2 is live on the asset store bringing a vast amount of new features, improvements and bug fixes!

    New Important! Additive animation for animatable parameters is deprecated. All animated parameters are now applied in Absolute mode. Animation will be converted automaticaly from one to another.
    New: Experimental Playables support to play clips directly within the new Animator Track. Unity 5.4 only!
    New: Curves Track now show a DopeSheet for each parameter and curves for selected parameter if any.
    New: Automatic crossfade blend clips.
    New: Pan & Zoom with ALT+Left/Right Clicks.
    New: LayerMask option per cutscene to determine which object are active or not during cutscene playback.
    New: Added “Expand Clip” option in clip right click menu to fill time gaps automaticaly.
    New: Clips can now be Splited at time through right clip menu “Split Here”.
    New: Improved Animated Parameters and Properties GUI a lot.
    New: Added Post/Pre wrap mode settings in animated parameter curves AND in Curves Track parameters.
    New: AnimationKey values are now shown next to the dopesheet keys.
    New: LookThrough camera shot feature to manipulate camera through scene camera view.
    New: SubCutscene clips now have an icon to be easily recognizable.
    New: Added editor preferences panel with all editor options exposed.
    New: Camera Shots can now be set to not use internal animation or even use an external animation clip.
    New: Added stepping with > and < keys to jump to next and previous key time in sequence. New: Added "Toggle" in Set Visibility, Set Behaviours State and other relevant clips. New: The first keyframe of each parameter in clips, is now auto-keyed each time the clips get's active. Can be turned off in preferences. New: Added Rule of Thirds guide in game view when previouing cinematic. Can be turned off. New: Rect selecting keys within clip dopesheet is now allowed. New: GUI for subtitles, overlay images etc can now be overriden to handle as you require by listening to relevant static events. New: Automatic handle changes from animated properties to field and vice verse while keeping animation data intact. Mod: Gameplay blending is now turned off by default to avoid confusions. Mod: Animated Parameters are now foldable with cool editor animation 🙂 Mod: Made Depth of Field to work with Unity's new cinematic effects instead of the old one. Mod: Action Tracks are now renamed to the first action's category name to indicate their binding to that category. Mod: Editor is now even faster. Mod: Changed cutscene Section control shortcuts to be safer. Fix: Bugs relevant to zero time keys. Fix: Some issues with clip handling when shifting clips while holding down Shift key. Fix: Trajectory paths are now sampled per snap interval. Fix: Accidentaly moving the camera in the inspector when scrolling. Fix: DopeSheet editor now respects snap interval setting. Fix: Camera in reverse playing mode. Various other fixes, improvements and UI clean up... Enjoy.

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    Good job,
    Hello, I’m a new user your SLATE.
    I checked all of assets cut scene and SLATE is best among them.
    But That’s relatively.

    I purchased with expecting future of the SLATE.
    I hope you to keep update and customer support for long years like NGUI.
    Then, I believe SLATE will be must-have asset with directing category.



    Thanks a lot! Rest be assured that I will continue updating SLATE with new features, improvements and fixes for the long future. This is just the beginning 🙂

    Thanks again!

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