y offset when blend in/out with animator?

Slate Forums Support y offset when blend in/out with animator?

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  • #2290


    I’m using it and I noticed that Character will have y-axis offset animation when the action is fused if I set Blend in/out, is this a bug or a feature? How do I need to set it to make it correct?




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    Hello there,

    This is definetely not a feature, but it also not exactly a bug. What basically happens here, is that if you set a blend-in value on an animator clip, the animation will blend from the “default post” into the animation clip specifically when the currently animation playing is the one set in the Animator Controller. This of course does not happen when the clip is blending in from another clip (cross-fade), or if the clip is blending in from an animation played in another Animtor Track layer bellow it.

    As such, and if this is a behaviour you do not want, I would suggest to add another Animator Track below this one with a big looping clip, or, on that same track, add a clip before the “Act_Sturdy”.

    Basically, to avoid this behaviour, you will need to have some Slate animation clips active all the time (from the start to the end of the cutscene) either on the same or on different Animator Tracks.

    With that said, I do plan to make blending in from the default Animator Controller animation work correctly somehow, but the last time I tried it was really not coming along, but I will certainly give it another try.

    Let me know.


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