Due to frequent files and folder restructure, you should remove the previous installation folder and re-import Slate anew.
It is highly recommended to always keep a project backup before upgrading as well!
Mod: Make use of the new FindObjectByType API for performance.
Minimum Unity version is now 2020.3.48 .
New: Toolbar icons for “Ripple” and “Retime” functions for easier access instead of only shortcuts (shortcuts still apply).
New: Animation Curves “ClampedAuto” option.
Mod: Video Sampler now also sets the material alpha if set to playback video on a material override.
Fix: Major editor performance that was caused due to updating Depth of Field when PostProcessingStack or URP was enabled.
New: Runtime Recorder Track (to capture transform animations like physics in runtime).
New: Unity Global Pivot option now also affects all Slate scene view position/rotation controls.
New: Improved Video Track playback and added support to play video from URL.
Mod: Support for Unity 2022.3.x searchbar style name change (an error was thrown).
New: Depth of Field can now blend in/from gameplay for all pipelines (HDRP, URP, Post Processing Stack).
Mod: All pipelines now work the same way.
Mod: HDRP, URP, and Post Processing Stack assemblies are now auto-referenced.
Fix: Camera Track shot previews were not showing correctly in HDRP.
New: In-editor version checking and news.
New [PositionHandle] attribute now takes an optional field name for rotation to rotate the handle.
New: Video Track is now able to play video clips on objects as well.
New: It is now possible to add/remove groups, track, and clips in runtime.
New: Post Processing Stack Depth of Field now blends in/out of gameplay camera too.
Mod: Changed workflow for Post Processing Stack to support the above.
Mod: Refactor Animator Track to better blend to the Animator Controller (if any) playing below.
Fix: Path was not computing points correctly.
Fix: Split command was interfering with CTRL + S for saving in Unity.
Fix: Animator clip blend in was not blending fully to starting transforms( if they were set manually).
Fix: DopeSheet SHIFT dragging keys was not shifting next keys correctly.
Fix: Simple Grounder clip to work better.
Fix: Creating a camera shot was changing the [ CAMERA SHOTS ] parent transform.
Fix: Match Transforms to Target clip to work in local space.
New: Play On Start cutscene option.
New: 24 FPS snap interval option.
Mod: Color pickers now support HDR.
Fix: Playable graph errors and bug when animator clips were outside of cutscene length.
New: Initial support for Unity HDRP and URP in regards to be able to control and animate Camera Shots Depth of Field (new setting is found in Preferences window)
New: Replaced all function, property comments with “summary” blocks.
New: Animate Blend Shape and Character Expression action clips are now possible to cross-blend.
New: Audio pitch is now also modulated by the cutscene playback speed.
Fix: Issue where original prefabs used as virtual actors in a cutscene would be changed in some rare cases.
Fix: Clip out of range inspector error.
Fix: Some of the Drawers were creating Unity version issues.
New: Prefs option “AutoCreateDirectorCamera”. True by default.
New: “Bypass Reverb” option in Audio Tracks.
New: Added clip “Make Camera Target” to make actor target of the current Dynamic Shot Controller Camera.
Mod: Pathfinding clips now re-calculate the path automatically without the need to move start or end points.
Fix: Animator Track was throwing an exception in rare cases when used in conjunction with an Animator Controller.
Fix: Animator Track clips blending was “jumpy”.
Fix: Character Inspector was throwing blend shape related error.
New: SendMessage clip button to select method and option to explicitly select component index.
Mod: Cutscene Starter “start time” property.
Mod: Sample Particle System clip “simulation sync” option to disable/enable simulation sync with cutscene time.
Fix: Sample Particle System clip was permanently disabling assigned particle system.
Fix: Compile errors with Unity 2020.2.x
New: Animator Track clips now have a ClipWeight option.
New: Ability to ignore component types from ObjectSnapshot (store/undo functionality).
Fix: Rendering utility was calling “Window/Game” error.
New: Ability to Pre-Bake Root Motion in Animator Track inspector.
New: Exposed ApplyFootIK option in Animator Track inspector.
New: Ability to under/over drive Blend Shapes weight (-1 to 2).
Fix: Animate Blend Shape clip was caching actor when using Virtual Actor reference.
Fix: Actor coordinates were not reverted when “Use Local Coordinates” were used.
New: Allow multiple track curve editor to be open at the same time.
Mod: Simplified PlayDirection API.
Fix: Unity 2019 Curve Editor issues.
Fix: Unity 2019 Warnings.
Fix: Length/Blend properties in inherited clips.
Fix: UI changes to work nicely with the new Unity Editor Theme (2019.3.x). Please use the Verdana font on Windows (it’s better).
New: All GUI is now done with UGUI. Deprecated OnGUI (due to allocations). This requires adding the new prefab named “@DirectorGUI” in your scene.
New: All clips that accept transform target override, now also have a dropdown to dynamically select actor target from a group.
New: Animator Controller (if assigned to Animator) is now playing bellow all Animator Tracks.
New: Added option to PingPong animation in Animator Track clips.
New: Changed default clip interaction to be more akin to video editors. The default now is to trim keys, while holding shift, now moves the keys when adjusting clip start.
New: Preference option to “Auto Clean Off-Range Keys”. This will automatically remove keys outside of the clip range, but doing so smartly so that animation is preserved within range.
New: More clip shortcuts and operations: Key Clip, Split Clip, Fit Clip, Clean clip Keys. Also found on the right-click context menu of clips.
Mod: Clips start/end can now properly be moved when clips crossblend / overlap.
Mod: Replaced “Set To Clip Length” button with “Match To Next Loop” and “Match To Previous Loop”. These can also be used to add and remove clip loops (when relevant).
Fix: Animator Track root motion when rigidbody was attached to the Animator gameobject.
Fix: Simple Grounder clip was not working properly.
New: Ability to set the Dynamic Shot Controller ‘Target’ dynamically via an Actor Group, instead of only direct reference assignment. (Option can be found in Camera Shot inspectors).
New: Support for Post Processing Stack v2.
New: Ability to move start of clip without moving it’s internal keyframes (By Shift + Click + Control while moving/scaling the start of a clip).
Mod: Changed Animator Track update method that would result in FinalIK not updating in editor time. Thus FinalIK preview now works once again.
Fix: Global Event values that were not being sent.
Fix: Compilation error due to missing UNITY_EDITOR define.
Fix: Rotations were not always working correctly in runtime.
Mod: Cutscene is now rewinded when destroyed and if already playing.
Mod: All code is now reformatted.
New: Updated for Unity 2018.3. The only thing that is not working correctly, is the camera shot frustum gizmos (Unity bug).
New: All GC allocations for animated parameters are now dropped to zero for JIT platforms (using IL Emit).
New: Sections can now be looped either a specific amount of times or forever.
New: Added “BreakSectionLoop”, to break out of the current section if looping.
New: Added “BreakCutsceneLoop”, to break out of a looping cutscene.
New: Added a new type of TransformSpace; TransformSpace.Parent.
New: Added rotation handles in relevant clips.
New: Added [RotationHandle] attribute to use above Vector3 animatable parameters.
New: Animator Track clips now have the option to either “Auto Match” previous clip position/rotation (that is what was happening already), or “Manually Set” explicit position/rotation coordinates for when the animation clip starts.
New: Added new option to “Zoom At Target Frame” in Dynamic Shot Composer. This will zoom in/out and try to match the “view frame”, to the “target frame”. It can be used to create some interesting shots.
New: SubCutscenes, can now be trimmed or looped like normal clips.
New: SubScenes, can now be set to “spawn” at specific rotation on top of the already possible position.
Mod: New Tracks added in Actor Groups are now added on top instead of at the bottom.
Mod: Properties Track is now deprecated. Please use the Animate Properties clips.
Fix: Fixed and ensured all clips are working consistently regarding TransformSpace.
Fix: Rotation jittering is Dynamic Shot Composer that was happening when “target frame” was very small.
Mod: Refactor Cutscene update from a coroutine to LateUpdate. This fixes potential order of execution issues.
Fix: Animator Track clips not initializing (red) and not being played when more than one Animator Track is used.
Fix: DopeSheet pasting keys bellow time zero.
New: Unity 2018 supported.
New: Added “Weight” Animatable Parameter to Animator Tracks.
New: Changed Fade To/From Black, to Fade To/From Color, with option for target color.
New: “Paste Keys at Scrub Time” option added, on top of existing “Paste Keys at Cursor”.
Mod: Animation Clip negative playback speed is now allowed.
Mod: Material based clips, are now using sharedMaterial in editor mode, but an instance in play mode to avoid potential issues.
Fix: Disabled Parameters behaviour.
New: Major Framework Refactoring.
New: Animator Track Layers (only v2017).
New: Animator Track Masks (only v2017).
New: Animator IK Control Clips for IK animation (only v2017).
New: Video Track. (only v2017).
New: Motion Trails editing now shows keyframes in scene view GUI.
New: Offline Rendering now supports MP4 and Audio again.
New: Camera Shots can now overlap for finer blending control.
New: Animated Properties are now automatically sorted by name.
New: “Pitch” control in Audio Clips.
New: Nested member (field/properties) are now possible to be animated.
Mod: Offline Rendering is now an extension (free) to make the main package lighter.
Fix: Cutscene Ping Pong wrap mode.
Fix: RectTransform now shows in animated property menu for proper selection.
Fix: “Raise Unity Event” clip inspector.
New: Unity 2017 support.
New: AnimateProperties clip is now possible to Blend In/Out of original properties values.
New: Added “Dutch Tilt” parameter in Dynamic Camera Controller.
New: Added new “Rails Tracking” constraint option in Dynamic Camera Controller.
New: Added Rotation Offset in Character Head Look At options.
New: Saving scene is now handled (stops cutscene so that gameobject states reverse before saving). (Unity 5.6+).
New: 3D Curve Editor keys are now manipulated with move tool (instead of free move).
New: Option to enable usage of Unity’s “Post Processing Stack”.
New: Depth Of Field is now used from new Post Processing Stack if enabled.
New: Keyframes in parent Dopesheet of multiple parameters, now shows the number of sub-parameters keys that exist at that time.
New: Parameter Post/Pre Wrap Modes are now shown in DopeSheet along with icons.
New: Toolbar icon button to enable/disable Magnet Snapping.
New: Selected group or track timelines are now highlighted.
New: Added “Ignore Time Scale” option in Audio Tracks.
New: Added option to show/hide Virtual Actor Reference gizmos.
New: Added “Animate Playback Speed” utility clip.
New: Animation or Animator tracks are now automatically added if actor gameobject has Animation/Animator component.
Mod: Dynamic Camera Controller Composition now uses Center + Size to define the composition frame.
Mod: Default keyframe Tangent Mode is now set to Auto Smooth instead of Editable.
Mod: Improved Undo.
Fix: Shifting Sections now correctly retains clip cross-blends.
Fix: Dynamic Camera Shot Controller gizmos now show only when shot clip or shot is selected.
Fix: Magnet Snapping clips is now relevant to view time. Holding Control while moving/scaling clip, temporary disables snapping.
Fix: Annoying track highlighting when track is expanded for animated parameters editing.
Fix: Pathfinding Clip where agent was not being grounded correctly.
Fix: Head Look At rotation issues.
Fix: Prefab Set Dirty issues.
New: Unity 5.6 support.
New: Added Dynamic Camera Controller feature. Automatic transpose and compose shots.
New: Added Track Locking.
New: Icons and graphics for locked and disabled tracks.
New: Animator Track/Clip can now use the first Animator Component found in Actor hierarchy.
New: Steer Rotation parameter in PlayAnimatorClip. Used to animate walk/run etc types of root motion based steering.
New: PlaybackSpeed parameter in PlayAnimatorClip.
New: PlaybackSpeed parameter in AnimatorTrack for base clip.
New: Added new StopMode option “SkipRewindNoUndo” (on stop, will skip cutscene to end and then rewind without undo all at once).
New: Shot names are now displayed in the clip if not the default name.
New: When dragging clips they are now snapped to nearby clips at 0.1 snap interval.
New: New keyframes Tangent Mode is now set based on the neighbor keyframes (previous/next).
New: Tracks can now be duplicated.
New: Added option to “Ignore FOV Changes” on Director Camera. Usefull for VR so that device FOV is used.
Mod: Animator Runtime Controller (if any assigned) parameters are now stored when cutscene starts and restored when cutscene is finished.
Mod: Sections Shifting now also shifts PropertyTrack keyframes (if not locked).
Mod: UI based clips (subtitles, fades, etc) will now work independent of whether Camera Track exists in the cutscene or not.
Mod: Director Camera no longer make use of PlayerPrefs. Please note that Director Camera settings are reset!
Mod: Using DOF now requires to add a directive “SLATE_USE_DOF”.
Mod: Alembic support is now a separate downloadable extension, for size, easier management on library updates and conflicts avoidance.
Mod: MP4 and GIF rendering formats are now deprecated.
Mod: “Auto First Key” preference option in now deprecated.
Fix: Instantiate Object clip when using “Optional Parent”.
Fix: Split Clip command now creates keyframes at split point only for parameters that are already animated (have at least 1 keyframe).
Fix: Negative playback speed crash for AnimationClips.
New: Unity 5.5 support.
New: Curve Editor now works with U5.5 features like region scaling, retiming and ripple. (since native curve editor is used).
New: Added Group Search above groups.
New: Added Collapse/Expand all groups button above groups.
Mod: Non scalable clips no longer show Length and EndTime fields in the inspector.
Mod: Clips have no longer rounded corners (UI).
Mod: Local Actor Instance is no longer parented to cutscene.
Fix: BlendIn/Out is now clamped correctly when scaling action clip.
Fix: Subtitles and screen text that was showing black in some cases.
Fix: Mecanim Track “Recorder has no recorded data”.
Fix: “Look Through Cam” that was impossible to turn off in some cases.
Scripting: Added ability to easily remove Alembic Support and Sequence Rendering features to minimize the build size by specifying a define symbol.
New: Curve Editor now has a scroll/zoom bar and can be pan/zoom with Alt. They can also Frame selection with “F”.
New: Curve Editor of Animated Parameters in clips now have a mini DopeSheet as well.
New: Keyframes now display a different icon based on keyframe tangent mode (smooth, linear, constant, custom).
New: DopeSheet now illustrates the range of keyframes.
New: Clip Parameters value fields are now always possible to change.
New: Clip Parameters are now initially non-animatable until the first key is added.
New: Having keys at the start of the clip is no longer required nor auto-created.
New: Added Next Key, Previous Key and Key buttons in clip Animated Parameters.
New: Double Clicking a DopeSheet Keyframe now sets the cutscene time to that key time.
New: When in Frames mode, Action clip ranges now show frames too instead of seconds.
New: Position based clip parameters can now be offseted as a whole in scene view.
New: Added ability to choose between “World”, “Cutscene” or “Actor” coordinate space for position based parameters.
New: Mecanim Track clip parameters are now animatable.
New: Mecanim Track clips now check if parameter name exists before clips becomes valid.
New: Added Mecanim ‘Animate IK Look At’ clip.
New: Added Mecanim ‘Animate IK Goal’ clip.
New: Environment Clips now have Blend In/Out properties.
New: Overlay Text clip is now animatable and has an extra parameter for position.
New: Expressions weights are now animatable.
New: Look At weights are now animatable.
New: Added Simple Grounder clip.
New: Added Animate Visibility clip.
Mod: Cutscene can now be panned in negative time.
Mod: Better Undo.
Mod: Exposed FrameRate in Image Sequence Render Settings.
Mod: Paired Keying is now off by default.
Mod: Improved dragging time within animatable parameters inspector.
Mod: Added indicator that current inspected clip is now active.
Mod: Shortcuts for Play, Step Forward and Step Backwards, now work in scene view too.
Mod: Raise Unity Event action clip now displays better info.
Mod: Curves Track has been renamed to Properties Track.
Mod: Animating Transforms in Position Parameters is removed for clarity.
Fix: Clip inspector time ranges to be clamped correctly.
Fix: Legacy animation related crashes.
Fix: “Clip is outside of playable range” when in fact it was not.
Fix: Copy/paste dopesheet keyframes.
Fix: DopeSheet rect selection re-timing.
Fix: Gizmos not displaying immediately and not being removed until selection change.
Fix: Key Icons are now pixel perfect.
Fix: Right click no longer move clips.
Fix: Right click no longer move keys.
New: Alembic Track.
Mod: Much better Undo.
Mod: Curve Editor now respects snap interval setting.
Mod: Auto-Key Frame 0 is now turn off by default.
Mod: Reorganized Preferences window.
Fix: Curve Editor for zero length clips.
New: Editor UI Overhaul.
New: Virtual Actors References and seamless work with prefab actors.
New: Alembic Workflow.
New: Ability to render sequence to GIF, MP4, PNG or EXR Image Sequnce.
New: Splitting Animation and Audio clip correctly.
New: Animated positional parameters of clips are now offseted with the cutscene, essentially allowing for re-position the cutscene locally.
New: Added Seconds or Frames work view mode.
New: Added Step Forward and Step Backwards buttons in playback controls.
New: Ability to scrub cutscene time through the Animatable Parameters inspectors.
New: Post Smoothing option in Camera Track allows for smoothing the whole camera track in runtime.
New: Assigned transforms in animated parameters can now optionally be animated directly within the clip.
New: Added “Explicit Active Layers” option for cutscenes.
New: Added static events for cutscenes.
Mod: Panning now pans both vertical and horizontal.
Mod: Improved Character blend shape expression inspector and when editing expressions, the mode wireframe is hidden.
Mod: Blend In/Out can now exceed the clip’s middle time.
Mod: Height in curve tracks is now automatically adjusted when in dopesheet mode.
Mod: Create Shots and Paths are now automatically parented to the cutscene.
Mod: Using Cutscene.Play(string) will now first look a the Resources folder for automatic cutscene instantiation.
Mod: Affected Actors are now show in the cutscene inspector, for easy changing them.
Mod: Trajectory Paths are now shown for all expanded Curve Track properties. Not just the selected one.
Mod: DopeSheet values now will show with a decimal for floats and “false”/”true” for bools.
Mod: The default handles (pos, rot, scale) for the cutscene object is now hidden when editing a clip.
Fix: Animating rotation in Unity 5.4
Fix: First key of camera shot clip is now correctly keyed.
Fix: Steady Cam effect from being applied in edit mode incorrectly.
Fix: Director Camera not restoring to Untagged when the “Set As Main” option is enabled.
Fix: Adding new action clips between other action clips now clamps the new clip’s length correctly.
Hotfix upgrading from version 1.0.
Added SteadyCam/Noise Effect in Camera Shot clips.
New Important! Additive animation for animatable parameters is deprecated. All animated parameters are now applied in Absolute mode. Animation will be converted automatically from one to another.
New: Experimental Playables support to play clips directly within the new Animator Track. Unity 5.4 only!
New: Curves Track now show a DopeSheet for each parameter and curves for selected parameter if any.
New: Automatic crossfade blend clips.
New: Pan & Zoom with ALT+Left/Right Clicks.
New: LayerMask option per cutscene to determine which object are active or not during cutscene playback.
New: Added “Expand Clip” option in clip right click menu to fill time gaps automaticaly.
New: Clips can now be Spited at time through right clip menu “Split Here”.
New: Improved Animated Parameters and Properties GUI a lot.
New: Added Post/Pre wrap mode settings in animated parameter curves AND in Curves Track parameters.
New: AnimationKey values are now shown next to the dopesheet keys.
New: LookThrough camera shot feature to manipulate camera through scene camera view.
New: SubCutscene clips now have an icon to be easily recognizable.
New: Added editor preferences panel with all editor options exposed.
New: Camera Shots can now be set to not use internal animation or even use an external animation clip.
New: Added stepping with > and < keys to jump to next and previous key time in sequence.
New: Added “Toggle” in Set Visibility, Set Behaviours State and other relevant clips.
New: The first keyframe of each parameter in clips, is now auto-keyed each time the clips get’s active. Can be turned off in preferences.
New: Added Rule of Thirds guide in game view when previewing cinematic. Can be turned off.
New: Rect selecting keys within clip dopesheet is now allowed.
New: GUI for subtitles, overlay images etc can now be overridden to handle as you require by listening to relevant static events.
New: Automatic handle changes from animated properties to field and vice verse while keeping animation data intact.
Mod: Gameplay blending is now turned off by default to avoid confusions.
Mod: Animated Parameters are now foldable with cool editor animation ?
Mod: Made Depth of Field to work with Unity’s new cinematic effects instead of the old one. Mod: Action Tracks are now renamed to the first action’s category name to indicate their binding to that category.
Mod: Editor is now even faster.
Mod: Changed cutscene Section control shortcuts to be safer.
Fix: Bugs relevant to zero time keys.
Fix: Some issues with clip handling when shifting clips while holding down Shift key.
Fix: Trajectory paths are now sampled per snap interval.
Fix: Accidentally moving the camera in the inspector when scrolling.
Fix: DopeSheet editor now respects snap interval setting.
Fix: Camera in reverse playing mode.
Various other fixes, improvements and UI clean up.
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